
Endenary is a masked thing who roams the land of Twitch. An entity, if you will. End..titty... nevermind.(It's pronounced [END]-[EN]-[AIR]-[E] if you're still wondering).End is a variety creator who does a multitude of mixed-media based content. Digital/traditional art, film editing, streaming, voice acting, and writing are the main ones.Their Twitch streams mostly consist of Minecraft, voice acting series, just chatting with their community, and occasional random assortments of miscellaneous games.End has a disorder called Tourette Syndrome. This causes them to make uncontrollable noises and movements called 'tics'. If you have questions about it, Google is your best resource, not End.End's goal is to create a safe space for all communities alike. They do not tolerate racism, homophobia, ableism, or other kinds of discriminatory behaviors in their chat or community.Are you still reading this? Just follow, this seems too long to read at this point. You'll find it in the socials portion of this Carrd.